The "METATRADER TO TELEGRAM" is one of the most important tools for people who work as a team or are a group manager or want to share their signals with others. This tool has the ability to send signals from "METATRADER TO TELEGRAM". Below you will see some of the features of this tool. You can set your own custom stop loss or take profit level & Manage your risk on each trade with different lots sizes on signals or use a certain percentage of your balance. Our "utilities/tools" can read multiple take profit levels and execute each of them & Signals from the "Mt4" are executed and send within seconds. With "METATRADER TO TELEGRAM" You can control if the signal should be a pending or instant order. Define the maximum amount of pips the entry price can differ from the market price & Set your own expiration time on pending orders. Define how long a pending order should be active before it's canceled. Trade All Kinds of Instruments "Mt4". Lifetime Updates, Lifetime Support, Unlimited "Mt4" Signals.
Instant and send Execution
- Buy , Sell
- Open Price , Close Price
- Send Symbol Of Open Order, Send Chart Image Of Open Order
- Order Lot
- Stop Loss, Profit { Manual / Auto }
- 3TP Configurability For Each Order
- Send Comment
- Ticket
- Order Time
- Market or Pending Order
- Send Symbol Of Pending Order , Send Chart Image Of Pending Order
- Pending Activated Order
- Send Symbol Of Pending Activated Order , Send Chart Image Of Pending Activated Order
"METATRADER TO TELEGRAM" on our YouTube channel:
Telegram Set up instruction
- Open your Telegram APP and search for "BotFather"
- click start and click newbot to create a new bot.
- Give your bot a nickname and username (e.g., nickname: forexexpsignal and username: forexexpsignalbot
- username has to be ended by 'bot').
- Congratulations! You have created your Telegram bot.
- Save your bot API token (e.g.199815021:ABFnbcMYxT_iXAdRZD1U8bsSK5Sr_KmN0)
After you have completed the purchase process and it has been approved. Send your generated token with your purchase receipt through communication channels with us, such as email, so that your token is personalized on the product and sent to you.Very important point :
Each product is personalized with just one token, and if you want to use another token OR another robot in the future, you have to buy a new product again.
- If you don't have it already, create the channel or group
- Open the channel/group Info, then Manage, Add Administrators, type the bot username, and click Save.
- Note that the Telegram channel must be public.
- Back in Meta Trader 4, go to Tools > Options > Expert Advisors > tick "Allowed Automated Trading" and "the bottom two options" (not the third), as well as the "Allow DLL option" and "Web Requests".
- Finally, double-click on "Add New URL" to add the link ""
- Now, with one click on the small face "in the right corner of the chart" enter the settings of the "METATRADER TO TELEGRAM" and in the "input" section, the invitation link of the Telegram channel that you have already created in the section "channel username". Add after the @ sign.
- After that. In the settings, enter the "common" section and add "Allow DLL" and "Allow Import".
Recommended & Tested Broker
Our "EA’s/Utilities & Tools/Indicators" works on all mt4 broker account
It's important that the broker have low fees and low swap and also high speed server
we recommend our client to use "ICMarkets" broker because their server speed and fees will cause better result on auto trading.
Click here for check out:
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